When the trial evaluation period expires, the Kerio Control should be registered in order to receive constant firewall protection. The registration process can be done through Kerio Control Webadmin Dashboard directly or by following the registration wizard in the Kerio Product registration website.
Once the installation is completed, Kerio Control needs to be activated as a trial or full version.
If your trial version is registered, the license file is automatically imported to your product within 24 hours of the purchase. The Trial ID you entered for your product upon registration is then activated as a standard license number.
Additionally, after a license is renewed, it will not immediately reflect the changes in Kerio Control. Using the steps below, you can force the renewed license to be pushed to the appliance immediately.
Registering Kerio Control with a license key file
Note: these steps are needed to register the product if your Kerio Control instance cannot access the internet and obtain the license file automatically.
Go to the Kerio Product Registration page.
Register using your purchased license number.
Download the license.key file that includes the corresponding certificate.
Import the license.key file in Kerio Control by following these steps:
Locate the license.key file on your system.
Open the administration interface.
On the Dashboard, click Configuration Assistant.
Click Register product.
Click Register offline by license file.
Import the license file.
- Select the downloaded license file from your PC.
Click Next.
- Follow the registration wizard further.
Registering Kerio Control in the Administration Interface
- Open the administration interface.
- On the Dashboard, click on Configuration Assistant.
- In the Configuration Assistant dialog box, click Register product.
- Select License.
- Choose Enter license.
- Insert the license code you received
- Review the correctness of License details.
- Enter personal and organization details. Agree with the Privacy Policy terms.
- (Optional) If the registered license info needs to be updated, click on Update license info...
The Kerio Control license was installed successfully in the License section of the Dashboard. Your license can now be used on a new or different system.
- We have just renewed our license. How long will it take for the device to be activated / working again?
By default, the renewed license details/expiration may not be immediately reflected in the Kerio web admin interface. However, by following the above steps, you will force the license to be renewed immediately. - What if my appliance does not have internet access?
If the appliance, for any reason, is only accessible locally, you can use the 2nd method above to download a license.key file which can then be used to register Kerio Control offline.